Blog Archives

New Feature: Render map

With only a few hours left in the Kickstarter campaign, a new feature has been added to the map editor. You can now save out a 2D, top-down rendering of your maps. Perfect for creating map handouts, or bringing into


First stretch goal achieved!

We’ve hit $25,000 and unlocked the first stretch goal. Next up is a feature everyone wants: cards and deck support.


In the media

Places around the web you can hear more about Tabletop Connect: You can listen to an interview I did with Ben Gerber at “Troll in the Corner,” and Eric Coates gives us a nice plug on 2013 Ennie Award nominated


Kickstarter Continues

It’s the halfway point of the Kickstarter campaign and were over 60% funded. Here’s a preview of some experimental features:   Tabletop Connect Experimental Features from C. Lewis Pinder on Vimeo.


Kickstarter is a go!

The Kickstarter campaign has launched. This is either going to be the longest or shortest 28 days ever.


Now on the air…

I’ve always had a hate-hate relationship with Apple. This goes all the way back to using a Quadra 650 to do pre-press work in the early 90s. This morning’s adventure getting Tabletop Connect up and running on the Mac didn’t


First Look - Sample Session

There hasn’t been an update posted here in quite a while. I was so busy working on features and bug fixes that updates kept falling into the “I’ll get to that tomorrow” category. I was going to share my trials


Roll camera…

While I haven’t kept it a secret that intend to launch a Kickstarter campaign for the project once I get to a solid alpha, I haven’t made much noise about it either. Given the availability of cast and crew, I


Project Announcement

Way back in the day, when folks like Jon Van Canegham were creating Might and Magic, there was a desire not to recreate the experience of tabletop gaming, but to create immersive fantasy worlds inspired by those tabletop games. Over
